BEST Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness

BEST Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness: Boost Your Child’s Energy and Vitality Naturally

Why BEST Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness need?

All those people who say that my children are weak. Have become weak. It seems as if if there is a strong wind, they will fall. Always feel tired. Educational responding is not getting right. So this recipe which I am telling you today will be very beneficial not only for your children but also for you.
I try here to make it easy for you to understand. If you note down all the points and pass them on to others, Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness will be beneficial for them too. And if they can’t do it then just share my blog post, it will be beneficial for them too.
BEST Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness
Dr. Muhammad Ibrahim

Revitalize Your Children with This Simple Home Remedy

If your children are lazy and lethargic, have stopped jumping and keep sitting, then you must give them this home remedy. Insha Allah it will definitely be beneficial. If parents also start attending school, then at this time your child's energy level has reduced. You can correct them with home remedies which will be quite cheap.

Table of Contents

Now what would have happened in such a situation is that your children will not even eat food properly. And when food reduces, their HB levels will reduce.

Understanding the Four Components of Blood

There are four levels of blood in the body. Our Indian think the red arm is blood, it doesn't happen. What are the blood levels? Four.
First of all there is HB, look at the CBC report. Hb is the water of blood . It is necessary to maintain a suitable haemoglobin level in order to guarantee appropriate tissue oxygenation. The unit of measurement for haemoglobin content in whole blood is grammes per deciliter, or g/dl. Males typically have a HB level of 14 to 18 g/dl, whereas females typically have 12 to 16 g/dl. Anemia is the condition where the patient’s hemoglobin level is low. After that, WBC is milk of blood, I am saying this for explanation. Third platelets are the Desi Ghee of blood. And RBC is the iron of blood. These four things together are blood.

Herbal and Ayurvedic Remedies to Boost Hemoglobin and Energy in Children

Now in such a condition when there is weakness then there Hb will decrease. There are many medicines for HB and in our Herbal , Ayurveda HB are made directly. Even if anyone is suffering from a dangerous disease, he or she can be saved by controlling HB. Anyway, now you should do this Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness so that all the complaints of your child go away.
Now all you have to do is take 1 kg of roasted peanuts and 1 kg of desi sugar (ground jaggery) and mix both. Make one thing like this. Second recipe: Mix 1 kg roasted corn and 1 kg ground jaggery. And keep it in the jar. And sir, write the name in both the jars, one for corn and the other for peanut.
BEST Homemade Energy Drink for Weakness
Now, feed one spoonful powder to the child who was going to school without eating, it is better if given with milk. If the child is phlegm, then feed him/her without milk. After eating, if you want, give water or milk, now your kids will gain full energy and will go to school with energy. When children energy increase, they will start eating food properly.

You must do this; your children will be happy. And we will also get blessings from your happiness.


In conclusion, providing your children with the BEST homemade energy drink for weakness can significantly enhance their energy levels and overall vitality. This simple and natural remedy, made with roasted peanuts, corn, and ground jaggery, can help address common issues such as lethargy, poor appetite, and low hemoglobin levels. By incorporating this remedy into your child’s diet, you can ensure they have the energy and strength to participate fully in their daily activities and excel in their studies. Remember, a healthy child is a happy child, and your efforts in improving their health will be rewarded with their well-being and your peace of mind. Share this remedy with others and spread the benefits of natural health solutions.
So, I believe I’ve given you all the information. I hope you gain some information’s. If you did, don’t forget to like and share it. Stay tuned to our blog for regular updates and insights.

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Q: What happens if Hb is low?

Ans: Lack of sufficient haemoglobin or healthy red blood cells to deliver oxygen to the body's tissues is known as anaemia. The molecule called haemoglobin, which is present in red blood cells, transports oxygen from the lungs to every other organ in the body. Weakness, exhaustion, and dyspnea are symptoms of anaemia.

Q: What happens if Hb level is high?

Ans: A high haemoglobin count is the result of abnormally high haemoglobin (a blood protein) levels. Haemoglobin transports carbon dioxide to your lungs and aids in the movement of oxygen throughout your body. Unusual elevated haemoglobin levels can raise your risk of consequences like blood clots.

Q: What is normal hemoglobin?

Ans: It is necessary to maintain a suitable haemoglobin level in order to guarantee appropriate tissue oxygenation. The unit of measurement for haemoglobin content in whole blood is grammes per deciliter, or g/dl. Males typically have a Hb level of 14 to 18 g/dl, whereas females typically have 12 to 16 g/dl. Anaemia is the condition where the patient's haemoglobin level is low.

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